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Il centenario di Sciascia : una ricognizione nei media

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 65-88

This contribution offers a reflective review of articles published aboutSciascia for the centenary. The material under review provides the basis foran investigation into the distinctive semiotic traits of the everyday imageof Sciascia. What emerges is a man of spirit who privileges his social rolesas worker and writer over a sense of ‘self '; a heretic who portrays powerin all its guises; a seeker of what is just as an antidote to power; a man ofletters who curates books and has faith in education; a lover of the artsnourished by visions to translate. Summing up what Sciascia has done, wesee the formation of an identity which pushes beyond national confines tosoar to a model for living. [Publisher's text]

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Todomodo : rivista internazionale di studi sciasciani : XII, 2022