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Valutare la qualità e l'apprendimento della didattica a distanza : il caso dell'Università di Pisa

2023 - Franco Angeli

11-31 p.

This contribution illustrates the results of the evaluation on distance learn- ing commissioned by the University of Pisa during the period of the pan- demic emergency. Educational and training institutions underwent a "para- digmatic shift" through the mandatory digitalization of the educational offer, characterized, given the available time frame, as a learning-by-doing pro- cess. Students, on the other hand, had to rethink their daily lives, redefining the ways in which they carried out their work, study, research, and personal activities.

The University of Pisa commissioned an evaluation to the Human Foun- dation that could provide an initial assessment to be read from an evidence- based perspective, in order to understand if, how, and where to make neces- sary improvements to the already efficient and effective teaching and learn- ing methods adopted during the emergency phase.

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 87, 3, 2023