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Tre note alle Coefore di Eschilo

2023 - LYSA Publishers

P. 453-470

  • This paper discusses three passages of Aeschylus' Choephori (v. 87-99, 319-21, 354-62). At v. 87, H.L. Ahrens' conjecture τί fo is slightly modified by adding a question mark immediately after fo, so as to bring the passage in line with the normal tragic use of this type of expression; the transposition of v. 91-92 after 95 (Weil) or 99 (Diggle) is rejected, as well as Brown's proposal to write ἦ at v. 93; at v. 94 some new arguments are proposed in support of Bamberger's conjecture ísa. As for v. 319-21, a new parallel (emprosthókentros, Arist. HA 490a 18, PA 678b 16, 683a 4) is suggested for the rare compound prosthodómois, supporting the interpretation "standing in front of the house".
  • At v. 354-62 the emendations of Heimsoeth and Bannert, which obfuscate the syntactic continuity with the preceding words of Orestes at v. 351-52, are rejected and a new parallel is added for the idea that Agamemnon's inglorious death has deprived him of the distinguished condition he would have had in Hades by dying at Troy. [Publisher's text]

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Virtute vir tutus : studi di letteratura greca, bizantina e umanistica, offerti a Enrico V. Maltese. - ( Colibri ; 4)