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Spirito protestante e democrazia : l'Europa dopo la crisi

2016 - Editoriale Scientifica

188-202 p.

  • The article is based on two recent books: Ralf Dahrendorf, Dopo la crisi. Torniamo all'etica protestante? Sei considerazioni critiche (Laterza, 2015) and Luuk van Middelaar and Philippe Van Parijs (eds.), After the Storm. How to save the Democracy in Europe (Lannoo, 2015). The books have to cope with the economic-financial crisis of recent years, and offer an interesting reflection on the institutions and the European society. The year 2015 brought a long string of crises to the European institution: the terrorist attacks in Paris, the crisis in Ukraine, the war in Syria, the flow of refugees, the Greek crisis (with two national elections and a sudden referendum), rounds elections in Britain, Poland and Spain and, finally, the regional elections in France. The paper is divided into three sections: the Protestant spirit and economic crisis, how to save European democracy and, finally, after the crisis, which Europe?.
  • The article underlines the need to resume the process of European integration, but at the same time highlightes the dual national and european dimension of the European Union. [Publisher's text].

Fa parte di

Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VIII, 1, 2016