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Né con gli apologeti, né con i detrattori : Norberto Bobbio lettore e interprete di Benedetto Croce

2016 - Editoriale Scientifica

125-160 p.

  • The essay concerns Norberto Bobbio's reading and interpretation of Benedetto Croce's political philosophy. Particularly, the author focuses on two essays, Croce e la politica della cultura (1953) and Benedetto Croce e il liberalismo (1955), both published first in Rivista di filosofia and then in Politica e cultura. By analyzing and reconstructing their contents, the author aims to show that Bobbio tries to give a balanced interpretation and keeps his distance from both apologists of Croce and his detractors. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VIII, 1, 2016