Versione Digitale

Dar motivo de queja : le dispute cerimoniali nella Sicilia d'età moderna

2016 - Editoriale Scientifica

161-170 p.

  • During the Ancien Régime, the ceremonial of the Viceroy's court consists of a heterogeneous set of customs and behaviors established by an unwritten code that rules the institutional life. To follow this code is a sign of adherence to the Viceroy's policy and to the established order, while its violation constitutes not only a profound insult and provocation, but it also carries a clear political message. Ceremonial disputes take on political significance in the culture of the Ancien Régime, affecting the entire structure of political and institutional relations. Loris De Nardi explains this process in his book Oltre il cerimoniale dei viceré. Le dinamiche istituzionali nella sicilia barocca (Libreria Universitaria, Padova 2014) that studies the political importance of the ceremonial disputes in the institutional dialectics that take place in Sicily during the seventeenth century. [Publisher's text].

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Storia e politica : rivista quadrimestrale : VIII, 1, 2016