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Differenza, alterità e riconoscimento nell'agire sociale : il caso di studio : donna : parliamone insieme

2018 - Franco Angeli

87-107 p.

  • In the course of my experiences as a trainer and as a researcher I did not specifically and explicitly deal with gender-related issues; nevertheless the specific epistemological framework and the particular model of research-intervention that I have assumed along these activities - realized in formal and non formal contexts for the promotion of communities, groups and subjects - have in the 'difference' their essential prerequisite and therefore also one of their goals. This is due to the fact that they assume the construct of 'Otherness' as a generative and regulative principle both on the axiological and on the methodological level. I will therefore try to illustrate this model in the hope that it will return to some extent useful to the scientific debate, started in this shared space, on educational and training practices, capable of carrying out transformative processes on gender issues.
  • I will also illustrate one of the cases in which I was able to apply the model itself, which a group of women. [Publishers' text].

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2018