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Il ruolo della soddisfazione degli utenti nella valutazione partecipata : l'esperienza del Piano di Zona Anglona-Coros-Figulinas in Sardegna

2016 - Franco Angeli

65-81 p.

In recent years, the question about the role of evaluation research concerning the local social policies planning has gained more and more centrality into the national debate. This paper intends to give an account of the results obtained from a survey on social-health service users satisfaction (realized within a participatory evaluation research) provided in an Area Plan in northern Sardinia. The author argues that the detection of the user satisfaction of social-health services can be understood as the first step of a participatory evaluation procedure that helps and supports the analysis of the planning process of the Area Plan. The main aim of the user satisfaction survey within the participatory evaluation research is to provide useful information to the drafting of the next three-year planning document of the Area Plan. [Publisher's Text].

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 65, 2, 2016