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Approccio partecipativo e valutazione di outcome : l'uso del brainstorming nella definizione dei criteri per valutare l'efficacia dei percorsi adottivi

2016 - Franco Angeli

7-26 p.

  • In line with a constructivist approach and a pratical participatory evaluation, the paper used brainstorming technique to define effectiveness' criteria of children adoption. 26 judges of the Juvenile Court of Bari took part in the evaluational brainstorming, which have been organized in a creative phase, a classification step and a final relevance analysis and group discussion. Applying the Lawshe formula, it has been possible identify the most shared success standards (children well-being: self-esteem, adjustment and secure attachment; adoptees' and parents' skill to revise their life story; adoptees' scholastic and social integration; a good parents-adoptees relationship) and failure ones (parents reject adoptees or adoptees abandon adoptive family). The study highlights suggestions regarding the flexible use of brainstorming technique and underlines the potentials to use a shared evaluation procedure in order to improve both adoption research and practices. [Publisher's Text].

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 65, 2, 2016