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In principio era il verbo : educare la voce per educare l'ascolto

2016 - Franco Angeli

195-204 p.

The voice, even before the word of which the vehicle is thus understood in its phonic quality, is the "essential tool of the educational relationship". A tool that every teacher and educator constantly uses to explain, to talk, to call, to give and take away the word. And yet, and it is important to emphasize this, almost never in his now multi-year university training, that even includes a variety of disciplines and knowledge, who invited him to take charge of a reflective competence for the task that awaits him (Fabbri, Striano, Melacarne, 2008),it is the least taught to "use it", to recognize it, at least to become aware. It's possible, but above all what it can mean, educate the voice? What they tell us, and how you can meet the items "undisciplined" of the "actors" of any educational occurrence? Learn to use it does not mean much to acquire the techniques, but to acknowledge the way in which we, through the voice, starting from our history we relate (in "resonance") with ourselves, with others and with t

he environment that we surrounds. The educational awareness and research tracks on the item, which are the subject of this reflection, we recall, in particular, the close connection between the size of the item and that of listening, a connection that contains the form and the emotional-affective game into which it unravels the fate of every educational process [Publisher's Text].

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Educational reflective practices : 2, 2016