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L'uso di metafore linguistiche per generare soft skills nelle professioni sanitarie

2016 - Franco Angeli

72-88 p.

The modern medical education is trying to direct its path towards practices and methodologies that introduce the use of "multimodal metaphors" (narrations, music, cinema, art etc.) to develop and enhance the soft skills of healthcare professionals. However, in health care settings, this vision is not always accepted and there is a strong resistance to the art-based education. How to create these skills in other ways? Starting from the literature found in PubMed, this article analyses cases, experiences and research that highlight the ability to generate soft skills in healthcare professionals through the reflection on "linguistic metaphors", symbolic elements still little studied but already inherent in clinical practice, sometimes unconsciously. Based on the discovered sources, four groups of skills have been identified: personal soft skills, clinic and social soft skills, organizational soft skills and educative soft skills. The purpose is to promote greater consideration of these issues in the training of

students as well as in the continuing education of physicians, and in health organizations [Publisher's Text].

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Educational reflective practices : 2, 2016