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L'esperienza della valutazione delle politiche di pre-adesione : il programma IPARD in Serbia

2015 - Franco Angeli

103-124 p.

The paper describes the main results of the ex-ante evaluation of the IPARD Program 2014-2020 of the Republic of Serbia, both in terms of activities and use of assessment outcomes and in terms of increasing planning capacity and governance of the evaluation. The challenges are in line with what is required in the evaluation of Rural Development Programs, but we can highlight some differences, because the Regulation of IPARD requires evaluation tasks significantly different. Much emphasis is given to the aspects like the identification of sectoral needs and the program delivery in terms of implementation of the intervention strategy and in terms of administrative capacity, in a context with many actors involved. The ex-ante evaluation of IPARD therefore presents a greater complexity than the Rural Development Programs, especially in terms of governance.

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 63, 3, 2015