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Spending review ed impatto sulla collettività : proposta di una nuova metodologia ed applicazione agli Ambiti Territoriali Ottimali

2015 - Franco Angeli

23-50 p.

In the paper, the authors present a new methodology aimed to reduce, as possible, the subjectivity of the choices in applying spending review policies linked to costs/benefits to the community, thanks to the definition of objective criteria and a specific mathematical function, applied to the case study of Optimal Territorial Areas of the Lazio region. The main aspects driving these choices and underlying the mathematical formulation of the problem, are basically three: - the number of service users; - the social-economic impact on the community; - the service effectiveness/efficiency. The more critical aspect in defining the Objective Function is the evaluation of the service quality, unavoidably characterized by Intangibility (immaterial performance), Contextuality (simultaneity of service production and usage) and Heterogeneity (strong influence of conditions and context).

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RIV : rassegna italiana di valutazione : 63, 3, 2015