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I delitti, i castighi, le pene, le impunità

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 95-108

This essay, presented at the 12th Leonardo Sciascia Colloquium held in Rome on the 7th and 8th of October 2021, draws connections between the works of Sciascia and Primo Levi, in the light of some of the moral and historical questions posed by the Shoah and by the problem of violence in modern times. It offers a re-reading of several points of contact between and parallel reflections by the two authors, based on four terms presentedas the synthesis of the crucial content of Levi's last novel on the Shoah, The Drowned and the Saved (1986). This essay proposes these terms as effective tools for a re-reading of a matrix of values shared by Sciascia and Levi. [Publisher's text]

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Todomodo : rivista internazionale di studi sciasciani : XII, 2022