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Ein Sizilianer von Festen prinzipien

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 101-105

The initiatives organised in Germany for Sciascia's centenary revolvearound the translation of Morte dell'Inquisitore by the small publishinghouse Converso. The editor, Monika Lustig, and the author of one of thepostfaces, Maike Albath, presented many televised debates organised forthe occasion, introducing archive documents, interviews, and testimonialsfrom friends of the writer. Their work could often be found in the culturalpages of the most important German newspapers, especially during themonth of January, as they outlined the most significant milestones in thework of Leonardo Sciascia, writer and polemist. Conferences organisedby German universities further explored the quality of his style and hisreception. Online publications provided lively, and at times, original,contributions. [Publisher's text]

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Todomodo : rivista internazionale di studi sciasciani : XII, 2022