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Le corrispondenze americane di Leonardo Sciascia

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 115-127

From the 1950s onwards, Leonardo Sciascia maintained a regularcorrespondence with various American intellectuals, writers, translators,editors, university professors and everyday readers who admired his narrativeproduction. From 1964, his novels began to be published in America, wherethey met with success, and from 1968 he was invited to write for the NewYork Times, not about the mafia but about how he viewed certain eventsfrom a writer's perspective. From the letters he received, Sciascia gained aclear sense of the different cultural and socio-political aspects of the UnitedStates. [Publisher's text]

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Todomodo : rivista internazionale di studi sciasciani : XII, 2022