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La storiografi a sui rapporti tra mondo cattolico, moderatismo politico e destre in Italia dopo il 1989

2023 - Franco Angeli

50-63 p.

The turn of time which started with the transition of the Italian political system towards polarized democracy after the end of the Cold War has seen a relevant increase of interest from historians in the relations between Catholic political culture, conservatism and right wing trends in the Republican era. Many books and essays brought to light, in the last decades, the pivotal historical question of the ambivalence between the inescapable "center", intermediate position of Christian/Democratic party in the so called "first Republic" and the right wing, anti communist sentiment prevailing in its constituency. Such an interest, though, has never resulted in systematic historiographic works on the history of Catholic conservatism in Italy. [Publisher's Text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : 53, 2, 2023