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L'attacco al cuore del dogmatismo : Dal Pra e la tropologia di Agrippa

2024 - Franco Angeli

P. 17-34

  • This article brings to the fore a theoretically significant moment in the history of ancient skepticism, highlighting not only the acuity of Mario Dal Pra's hermeneutic gaze, but also its objective importance within a kind of ideal Fortsetzung of the skeptical challenge. The analysis therefore focuses on the suspension of judgement (ἐpοχή), a truly crucial notion when it comes to outlining this philosophical movement, and more specifically on Aenesidemus' tropology and, above all, on the presentation of the five tropes of the ἐpÎ¿Ï‡ή that can be attributed to Agrippa. [Publisher's Text].

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Rivista di storia della filosofia : LXXIX, 1, 2024