Dal Pra dalla "filosofia della resistenza" all'empirismo
P. 3-16
Mario Dal Pra was one of the main supporters of the Italian neo-ÂÂEnlightenment, but his most important contributions were in the history of empiricism in the eighteenth century (especially Condillac and Hume). The Author of the article shows how this historical research intertwined with the development and then the abandonment of so-ÂÂcalled «transcendence of praxis». The article examines some unpublished texts, in particular La filosofia della resistenza and Teoricismo e scepsi. Introduzione alla filosofia della prassi. Starting from the «new image of sensualism» suggested by Condillac, Dal Pra moved on to Hume's philosophy. His interpretation of Hume shifted from the assumptions of the first draft (1949) to the more mature and balanced monograph of 1973. The Author analyzes in depth the changes that occurred in this lapse of time, leading to a new position that was called by Dal Pra «critical empiricism». [Publisher's Text].
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/SF2024-001002
ISSN: 1972-5558
- Resistance, empiricism, transcendentalism of praxis, Hume