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Il coraggio degli antichi : una virtù per veri uomini

2021 - Franco Angeli

7-32 p.

Starting from the Homeric example of Achilles, who chooses a short but glorious life for himself, this essay describes the ancient model of courage as a virtue for men worthy of the name, in the masculine sense of the term, and the meaning of 'excellence' which Greek culture attributes to this virtue. This research highlights the value of courage as an ability to dominate fear and as a source of social honour, and its use for the conquest of political power. An important part of the analysis is devoted to the philosophical reelaborations of courage attributable to Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, as promoters of an ethic of happiness that enhances the relationship between the individual and the community of belonging. [Publisher's text].

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Società degli individui : 71, 2, 2021