2018 - Franco Angeli
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L'interesse del minore : riflessioni a margine di un'indagine-pilota sui giudici in servizio presso i tribunali per i minorenni
61-69 p.
This paper aims to discuss the results of an empirical research involving Juvenile Court judges in Italy. The object of the investigation is the interpretation of the legal category known as the principle of the best interests of the child, seen as a "magic concept" due to its vagueness, ambiguity and conflicting interpretations. [Publishers' text].
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Sociologia del diritto : 2, 2018-
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/SD2018-002003
ISSN: 1972-5760
- Minors, Juvenile court judges, Empirical research, Best interests of the child