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Facebook and Twitter, social networks for culture : an investigation on museums

2018 - Franco Angeli

39-59 p.

Social networks are used by companies in order to maintain contacts with existing customers and gain new clients. In the cultural sector these instruments have been adopted only recently. The contribution of new technologies is crucial specially in terms of the huge opportunities they offer to give and receive feedback as well as to create a direct relationship between institutions and audiences. For museums, being online is as important as knowing how to use Web 2.0 in an effective way. Over the last decade, museums have experienced a strong cultural shift from object-oriented towards audience-oriented strategic approaches. Measuring the engagement rate of museums on the main social networks (Facebook and Twitter) is a first indication of the ability of museums to engage audiences, regardless of their popularity or the number of annual visitors. However, considering the number of Likes or Tweets is not enough to evaluate the effectiveness of the social strategies of museums. Users must feel part of museums'.

life and interact with it. This research analyzes the results obtained by four samples of museums (varyingly well-known) on their Facebook and Twitter page with the aim of evaluating their level of interaction with audiences. [Publishers' text].

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Mercati e competitività : 2, 2018