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Solidarietà come resistenza in Adorno : la crisi dell'individuo e la nuova umanità solidale

2017 - Franco Angeli

77-87 p.

  • Although between the lines and not in an evident way, a concept such as solidarity can be found in the thought of Theodor W. Adorno. If we are able to read well that notion, solidarity will appear as central in his thought, as if it was his turning point. In my reflection I would like to concentrate myself on the peculiarity of the Adornian solidarity. Adorno's philosophy is a philosophy of the individual at the time of his fall, it is a thought of the individual's liquidation and death. But, even in his fall, the individual has the possibility to became sympathetic and to transform his all-around society in a society based on solidarity. [Publishers' text].

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Società degli individui : 60, 3, 2017