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Disuguaglianze e solidarietà : un caso di studio nell'Italia di fine Ottocento

2017 - Franco Angeli

37-48 p.

  • In the second half of the nineteenth century, the States, in order to cope with the social inequalities produced by the first 'worldalization', and stem the nationalist and protectionist instances arisen, forged a conception of social justice based on remunerative mechanisms. Nowadays, in the face of a second crisis of equality, in an individuals' society one has to focus on the category of the relationship. The second half of the nineteenth century itself was also the time in which the 'equality-relationship' category was the basis of the solidarity efforts. In this perspective, the present article intends to deal with and focus on to the social actions undertaken by women in post-1861' Southern Italy, who gave birth to solidarity institutions. [Publishers' text].

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Società degli individui : 60, 3, 2017