2017 - Franco Angeli
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Sociologia delle emozioni : sui limiti sociali dell'empatia
77-95 p.
The prevailing forms of network sociability are the arguments of this article. Based on the results of a survey in 2014, it is interested in the emotional availability of young teenagers. The goal is to understand if they live in a virtual world and how social network can affect their emotions and feelings. With the aim to high-light the potentiality of digital technologies, the present discussion regards the effects of sentimental education. This latest can assume the role of a real social practice. [Publisher's Text].
Fa parte di
Sociologia della comunicazione : 53, 1, 2017-
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/SC2017-053006
ISSN: 1972-4926
- Emotions, empathy, neurosis, social personalities, social barriers to emotional contact