2016 - Franco Angeli
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Immagini e immaginario della Shoah, tra tirannia del visibile e cecità dello sguardo
77-94 p.
The article examines the ambiguities of the iconographic heritage related to the Holocaust. The obsessive iteration of a limited visual repertoire - mostly photographs - produced a progressive transformation of the documentation: from source, which must be contextualized to be understood, to representation of the distruction, which asks only to confirm knowledge about the Shoah. The article examines the need for a renewed ethics of the gaze, able to take the proper distance perspective, respecting the collective imagination of the Holocaust, in order to avoid pop drifts that generate emotional involvement, often sign of indifference, not understanding [Publisher's Text].
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Codice DOI: 10.3280/HM2016-021007
ISSN: 2036-5071
- Iconografia, fotografia, immaginario, Shoah, Auschwitz, Anne Frank, Settela
- Iconography, photography, imagery, Shoah, Auschwitz, Anne Frank, Settela