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Cgil e disoccupati nel secondo dopoguerra (1944-1950) : rappresentanza, assistenza e organizzazione

2016 - Franco Angeli

17-35 p.

This article reviews the cgil's reflection and action after World War II as regards unemployment and the organization of unemployed. Starting from the early protests against unemployment, marked by spontaneity and often violence, the article highlights the role of cgil that acts as a go-between for unemployed needs and authorities. Afterwards the essay deals with the attempt by the trade union to connect that needs to the questions of reconstrunction, public works and national interest. The central issue discussed by the essay is how the trade union addressed this movement and how it was placed at the head of the unemployed struggles through the crucial transition represented by the Piano del Lavoro. [Publisher's Text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 21, 2, 2016