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Iniziative nazionali e comunitarie sul tema della criminalità e dell'integrazione nell'area Adriatico-Ionica

Franco Angeli

P. 109-128 p.

The first part of this contribution presents the establishment of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion and the consequent strategy EUSAIR as a significant instrument for italian foreign policy and for the stabilization and growth of the area. Subsequently introduces the close combination that binds policies against crime and policies for integration which, if properly operationalized, will be able to give back to the citizens of the Adriatic-Ionic area those conditions of security and confidence in the institutions, policies and social relationships can promote and revitalize the entire area. The last two paragraphs are dedicated to the explicitation of national and community initiatives on the issue of crime and integration, in place since the 2000 to the present, in the area.

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Sicurezza e scienze sociali : III, 3, 2015