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Una "estravagante" da togliere a Petrarca? [risorsa elettronica]

2022 - Salerno

1 risorsa online (23 p.) p.


  • This article takes a new look, also on the basis of the recent critical edition, at the canzone 'Quel ch'à nostra natura in sé piú degno' and questions the prevailing opinion among scholars that it was written by Petrarch. To reopen the question of attribution, the text of the canzone is examined in detail: lexical and stylistic choices are reviewed, and attention is drawn to those that may indicate authorship other than Petrarchan. A proposal made nearly a century ago by Manfredi Porena is then revisited, according to which the author could be Petrarch's friend from Parma, Moggio Moggi.

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Studi petrarcheschi : XXXV, 2022