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I materiali ceramici neolitici della Rocca di Manerba (BS) tra la fine del V e l'inizio del IV millennio a.C.
P. 239-247
B. Pottery from Rocca di Manerba (1997-2001 excavations) shows continuity in the occupation of the site, framed by a few VBQ sherds and a significant Bell Beaker production. Typological attributes belonging to Chassey, post-Chassey, Besnate and Breno as well as some North alpine elements (Cortaillod, Saint-Léonard, etc.) are quoted. The identification and analysis of diagnostic ceramic attributes suggest the originality of the ceramic production (intra-site and space/time variation) and evaluate the positioning of Rocca di Manerba in the cultural development of Eastern Lombardy. [Publisher's text]
Forma parte de
Rivista di scienze preistoriche : LXXII, S2, 2022-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
Código DOI: 10.32097/1173
ISSN: 2282-457X