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L'Action Learning Conversation per la riconfigurazione delle sfide e delle pratiche professionali nei contesti della salute e della cura

2019 - Franco Angeli

78-94 p.

Within the transformative learning framework designed by Mezirow to explore adult learning and organizational learning processes, Marsick and Maltbia have implemented in several organizational context an operational model named Action Learning Conversation, which we see as particularly promising for health care professionals and organization, since they are both supported in the exploration of disorienting dilemmas and challenges and in the reframing of actions, roles and practices. "Reframing professional challenges and practices in healthcare contexts through Action Learning Conversation"presents a session of ALC engaging healthcare professionals showing how through this approach they have the opportunity to develop a new understanding of professional challenges and to reframe them according to different and multiple perspectives using an interprofessional approach, in order to define new and more effective action plans, which may have a significant organizational impact. [Publisher's text].

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2019