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La vigile e la sindaca : uno studio sul sessismo nella lingua italiana

2018 - Franco Angeli

122-141 p.

  • The proposal regards an investigation about the use of prescribed neologisms from diverse institutions, relative to the recommendations of non-sexist use of the Italian language, by male and female professionals from the diverse sectors involved. The objective of the research is to investigate the degree of adherence to certain neologisms relative to the female names of the professions, concerning a sample of professionals, considering the acceptance or refusal of neologism, about the type of informant and their working and socio-cultural context. The investigation is conceived in continuity with respect to the contributions of the Congress on the Italian Language and Sexism, held at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, March 30th 2017, considering, at the end of the formulation of the questionnaire quarries, the Recommendations for the non-sexist use of language by Alma Sabatini (1986) and the proposals of certain academic institutions and territorial and legislative entities. The research fits within
  • the educational language studies (Yaguello, 1978), approaching by means of tools and theoretical-applicative paradigms of sociolinguistics (Violi, 1986) to the framing of linguistic phenomena characteristic of contemporaneity. [Publishers' text].

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Educational reflective practices : 1, 2018