Mappare la vulnerabilità sociale e la resilienza di un territorio
14-24 p.
This paper focuses on social vulnerability and resilience in the context of seismic risk governance. In the first part, we introduce the concepts of risk governance and social vulnerability. Subsequently, we present the results of a research on social vulnerability, resilience and seismic risk in Lombardy. The study, applied to the municipalities of Lombardy, consists in mapping relevant socio-territorial features and in combining them with seismic hazard. The aim of the research is to provide the actors of risk governance with innovative transdisciplinary information. The maps are considered as an insightful means of communication, which, potentially, may render the process of risk governance more aware of socioterritorial features and therefore more equitable. [Publisher's Text].
Forma parte de
Prisma : economia, società, lavoro : 3, 2017-
Artículos del mismo número (disponibles individualmente)
Código DOI: 10.3280/PRI2017-003002
ISSN: 2036-5063
- Seismic risk, social vulnerability, resilience, GIS.