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Accerchiare e soffocare il nemico : il Plan Condor e le dittature del Cono Sud dell'America Latina

2017 - Franco Angeli

73-92 p.

This contribution stems from a victimological consultancy carried out in favour of the relatives of desaparecidos of Italian nationality, in the legal proceedings at the Superior Court of Justice in Rome, whose verdict was reached on 27 January 2017. Thus, totally unprecedented forms of social cruelty have come to light, among which the deliberate use of sexual torture, kidnapping of children as spoils of war and death flights, with the ensuing phenomenon of desaparecidos (i.e. the disappeared). The analysis of testimonials and of the comparison with the legal sources placed in the case-files, has made it possible to collect a number of elements highlighting some peculiar characteristics of violence employed by Operation Condor. All this has made it possible to clarify the complex repressive system meant to entrap not only the dissidents but also the entire social body in the Southern Cone in Latin America, by means of a control system ruled by the political and military top ranks of the nations involved, und

er the vigilant direction of the Cia and of the US government. [Publishers' text].

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Historia Magistra : rivista di storia critica : 24, 2, 2017