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Alla ricerca delle ragioni di un successo : la risposta pugliese al bando PINQuA

2023 - Franco Angeli

39-46 p.

L'eccezionale risposta della Puglia al bando PINQuA induce a riflettere sui fattori che possano averla favorita. Nel contributo, basandosi sull'analisi delle proposte finanziate presentate dalla Regione, dalla Città Metropolitana e da alcuni Comuni significativi, vengono avanzate alcune ipotesi interpretative riguardo.

The exceptional response of the Apulia region to the PINQuA call leads us to reflect on the factors that may have favored it. In this contribution, based on the analysis of the funded proposals presented by the Region, the Metropolitan City and key Municipalities, some interpretative hypotheses are made regarding possible links between the Apulian performance and the housing and urban regeneration policies implemented in the region in the past decades, furthermore highlighting lights and shadows, potentials and risks. This prompts us to reflect on possible strategies to overcome the limits of an extraordinary intervention tool and on the difficulties that must be faced in order to foster enduring innovations in local practices. [Publisher's Text].

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Territorio : 105, 3, 2023