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Preconditions and causes of inter-ethnic conflicts in Central Asia

2024 - Franco Angeli

45-64 p.

Central Asia's ethnic diversity presents both opportunities and challenges for sus- tainable development. While cultural richness can foster social cohesion, ethnic in- equalities and tensions can impede progress towards achieving the Sustainable De- velopment Goals. This study aims to analyse the main factors contributing to inter- ethnic conflicts in the region, examining their impact on stability and proposing measures to promote inclusive development and multicultural coexistence. Utilizing comparative, case study, statistical, and analytical methods, the research explores the complex interplay of ethnic diversity, territorial disputes, economic factors, and political instability as preconditions and causes of inter-ethnic conflicts. The Central Asian region is characterised by a significant diversity of ethnic groups, each of which has its own unique cultural, religious, and historical features. This creates a potential field for inter-ethnic tensions and conflicts.

The results of research in this area underline the need for in-depth analyses of specific conflicts and the develop- ment of measures to resolve and prevent inter-ethnic conflicts in Central Asia. Ef- fective management of these preconditions and causes can contribute to maintaining peace and stability in the region. The study examines recent inter-ethnic conflicts that have occurred in the territory of Central Asia. The practical significance of this research lies in its potential to inform strategies for conflict prevention, peace-build- ing, and the promotion of multicultural coexistence. By addressing ethnic inequali- ties and fostering inclusive development, Central Asian nations can create an ena- bling environment for sustainable growth. [Testo dell'editore].

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Rivista di studi sulla sostenibilità : XIV, 1, 2024