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Nuovo documento epigrafico da Fratte (Salerno)

2023 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 395-430

  • A new Greek inscription, dating back to the Hellenistic period, was found in Fratte (Salerno) in Southern Italy, an archaeological site characterized by the intermingling of Greeks and natives since the most archaic times. Editing this text raises a quantity of problems, due to unclear and difficult reading of diverse letters of microscopic size, seriously damaged, with considerable repercussions on the interpretation of the whole.
  • In addition, the exceptional nature of this inscription results from contrasting its content with the sort of material, on which it is engraved, a very small clay artifact, probably meant to as a punch or stamp of a seal. However, the text, running in two lines around the circular surface, is not connected with this function, but it is likely to have a playful and parodic character, combining the love inscriptions of archaic vases with an aphoristic utterance. [Publisher's text]

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Parola del passato : rivista di studi antichi : LXXVIII, 2, 2023