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The resilience of the regional ecosystems : Healthcare-service organizations, public agents and communities in the times of COVID-19

2023 - Franco Angeli

P. 83-97

The aim of this study is to compare regional ecosystems' resilience in terms of their ability to contain the spread of Covid-19. This is carried out through institutional measures as well as through spontaneous community behaviour in order to preserve public health and the institutional actions to strengthen the health-care system in dealing with the pandemic. The discussion is framed through the institutional approach. We develop a twostep method. In the first step, regions have been clustered by considering the kind of response to Covid-19, in terms of formal and informal rules. In the second step a random effect panel regression analysis was performed in order to define the effect of the single response variable to Covid-19 on the resilience index over time. Implications for policy makers are then discussed. [Publisher's text]

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Mecosan : management ed economia sanitaria : 125, 1, 2023