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All the way to Italy. A modern tale of homecoming through generations past.

2018 - Ali ribelli
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Until her dad died, Little considered herself a Californian. Now, thanks to half a letter, a symbol she can't quite remember, and writer's block, she finds herself back in Italy, the country of her birth. In a headlong rush to return to her beloved San Francisco, Little will journey throughout Italy, hoping to find the answers she needs to move on with her life so she need never look back. She'll enlist the help of the woman who raised her, Sira, her father's sister; but Sira has secrets she's kept for decades, and Little underestimates the power of the country she fled years before.In this powerful story of mixed cultures in a world trying to globalize, one girl's struggle to leave her home behind will lead her back to the women in her family and the memories each of them has safeguarded through the generations. From war-torn Italy to the belpaese of today,All the Way to Italyis a tale for those in search of a balance between wanderlust and the necessity to come home, a reminder that although we may be fragm

ents, we are never a lost cause. [Testo dell'editore].

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