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La Russia, l'Europa e l'Occidente : rappresentazioni dell'Alterità e scenari internazionali

2023 - Franco Angeli

139-167 p.

  • Drawing on a constructivist approach to international history which empha- sizes the impact of cultural factors in the definition of the national interest pursued by states through their foreign policy, this essay retraces some sa- lient stages of the confrontation between Russia and Europe/the West with an eye to reciprocal representations and the identity/alterity nexus (Iver Neu- mann). This issue has acquired further topicality during the period starting from the Ukrainian crisis of 2014 and culminating in the Russo-Ukrainian war that broke out in February 2022. [Publisher's text].

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : 52, 1, 2023