Vaccino Covid-19, super green pass e profili emergenti : un mosaico a incastri tra pro-vax, free-vax e no-vax
104-126 p.
M. Di Lisio, G. Punziano, (Vaccino Covid-19, super green pass e profili emergenti: un mosaico ad incastri tra pro-vax, free-vax e no-vax). The Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent measures to combat the emergency generated strong controversy and outlined different positions: for or against vaccination. Although the phenomenon of vaccine skepticism is not recent history, the pandemic has emphasized the diversification of opinions on the subject, especially after the introduction of the first vaccination Covid-19, first the Green Pass and later then Super Green Pass.
This study investigates the emerging profiles in the pandemic phase characterized by the introduction of the Super Green Pass (December 6, 2021) the pivotal moment of the emergency for the proliferation of discussions opposing the preventivw rules adopted by the State. To identify emerging profiles, a content analysis was conducted on the texts of the video recordings of the podcast La zanzara (The Mosquito) in the time span between December 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. From this work appear to emerge several distinct identities for pro-vax and no-vax, in line with the study of Gobo and Sena (2019) which sees the overcoming of no-vax vs. pro-vax prejudice in function of a multitude of different profiles. [Publisher's text].
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Sociologia e ricerca sociale : 132, 3, 2023-
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/SR2023-132005
ISSN: 1971-8446