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Al di là del limite : il sogno come problema di confine

2023 - Franco Angeli

98-108 p.

  • In the Grenzprobleme Husserl addresses methodologically difficult issues for phenomenology, namely those experiences that he places beyond the limit of consciousness: birth, death, sleep, the unconscious. According to the father of phenomenology, these are all situations in which the subject is not fully present to itself, and as such would not fall within the scope of investigation of a philosophy whose focus is, on the contrary, 'what appears', what can be experienced in an immediate way. The tendency to consider the dream something beyond the limit of consciousness seems to be common to the entire phenomenological tradition, right up to Merleau-Ponty, who considers it impossible to draw a clear line of de-marcation between the waking world and the dream world. The aim of this text is therefore to try to go beyond the limit that seems to be imposed by the phenomenological method, and to rehabilitate the dream experience as a lived experience and bearer of profound subjective meanings. [Publisher's text].

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Società degli individui : 77, 2, 2023