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Sapessi come è strano abitare a Milano : percorsi e prospettive della precarietà abitativa nel territorio milanese

2023 - Franco Angeli

P. 22-41

The essay focuses on the analysis of housing insecurity in the Milanese context in terms of social demand and accessibility to the private market marked by serious critical issues re-garding vulnerable populations. The absence or almost adequate housing policies to support the inclusion of low- and medium-low income classes in favour of progressive investment of large real estate companies outlines the contours of a problem which tends to crystallize partic-ularly difficult conditions. This summary picture of the situation is accompanied by an excur-sus on the effects of the pandemic on the house through the analysis of data collected in a sur-vey carried out after the end of the first lockdown in 2020 which confirms an extremely fragile situation for native and foreign families. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XLV, 131, 2023