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Volver al sur : la "nuova italianità" d'Argentina tra aree urbane e rurali

2023 - Franco Angeli

72-92 p.

  • Since the second half of the 19th century, many Italians settled in Argentine lands and, if some decided to stay in the city of Buenos Aires, considered the most Italian foreign city in the world, others moved to rural areas, creating new urban centres and influencing the culture of the host country. This is particularly evident in Buenos Aires, but also in the more populated urban areas where Italian culture is prevalent, while in the rural areas it coexists with the indigenous populations. Through the analysis of thirty interviews with firstgeneration emigrants, Italodescendants and newcomers, this article investigates the motivations that lead Italians to choose Argentina today, as well as the different lifestyles between those who reside in the capital and those who choose the interior areas. [Publisher's text].

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XLV, 130, 2023