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You definitely need a mastectomy if you are mutated! : experiencing breast cancer among genetic responsibilities and risk-reducing practices

2023 - Franco Angeli

153-167 p.

Genetics and predictive tests are changing breast cancer prevention, both in terms of subjective experience and risk reducing practices. The aim of the article is to address two main research questions: What does the genetic information mean for subjects? How does prevention and riskreducing practice change in relation to genetic information? Through qualitative research on breast cancer experience conducted in Italy at the National Cancer Institute of Rome, it was possible to answer these questions by including women who received a genetic response for the BRCA mutation. What emerges is that the genetic information shapes riskreducing practice, fostering genetic responsibilities within the family. This seems to encourage woman to perceive radical riskreducing strategies such, as a mastectomy or oophorectomy, as the main and often mandatory solution to face breast cancer risk thereby underestimating the health risks and psychological burden involved in preventive surgery. [Publisher's text].

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Salute e società : XXII, 1, 2023