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Passi cauti : i rapporti fra Italia liberale e Russia rivoluzionaria dall'Impresa di Fiume alla vigilia del fascismo

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 50-81

Drawing from the recently declassified documentation from the Archives of Russian Foreign Policy and from Italian sources, the article analyzes the attempts of Italian politics aimed at resuming Italian-Russian relations in the years between the 1917 Revolution and the advent of Fascism. In 1920 also Gabriele D'Annunzio, from the occupied city of Fiume (Rijeka), made seve- ral attempts, without success, to establish diplomatic relations with Russia, whereas the caution of the governments of Nitti first and Giolitti, later, would have paved the way for Mussolini's recognition of the Soviet Government in February 1924. [Publisher's text]

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Ventunesimo secolo : rivista di studi sulle transizioni : XXI, 1, 2022