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A green economy failure? : Italian investors in Senegal between green grabbing and development promises

2022 - Franco Angeli

P. 30-51

The article draws on land and green grabbing debate to critically interrogates the failure of ‎eight ‎Italian investment in agrofuel production in Senegal. It focuses on the characteristics of the ‎‎Italian investors who ‎were drawn to agro-energy ‎production and of the incentives structures that ‎‎motivated them. Once ‎on site, multiple management problems and conflicts with the ‎local population ‎arose. The ‎article argues that this is not solely attributable to a lack of responsibility, bad ‎governance ‎and ethics of ‎individual firms: the green economy and its speculative arrangements must be ‎considered. [Publisher's text]

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Sociologia urbana e rurale : XLIV, 129, 2022