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A changing Republic : politics and democracy in Italy

2015 - Edizioni Epoké

229 pages

Includes bibliographical references.

Going against all the stereotypes used by foreign and Italian experts, this book throws vivid light on the Italian political system since 1994. Bad politics and a resilient democracy characterize the evolution of the Italian political system. There are old problems, such as the perennial trasformismo, put in the not so constraining straightjackets of ferocious bipolarism. But one can also find political innovations such as primary elections having significantly contributed to the transformation of the Partito Democratico, the only organization deserving the label “party”.

Partitocrazia has not disappeared, but its impact has been limited especially by the Presidents of the Republic. The power and the political imagination of the Italian Presidents have also led to another innovation: the formation of non-partisan governments in the hands of inexperienced personalities. Democratic rules and procedures are not eliminated, but conflict-ridden party politics is suspended. While the game of reforming yet another time the electoral law continues, the readers of this dense book will be equipped to understand the vagaries of Italian politics and to provide a sober evaluation of a democracy of modest quality. [Publisher's text]

Articles and abstracts in English.

Collected articles, prev. publ. in various periodicals.

G. Pasquino, emeritus professor at the University of Bologna.

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