2022 - Franco Angeli
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Il lascito africano di Angelo Del Boca
P. 17-49
Four historians of different ages, backgrounds and fields of study reflect on the extraordinary importance of Angelo Del Boca, a pioneer and in many ways the founder of studies on Italian colonial Africa. Ever keen to unearth and use the most diverse documentary sources, Del Boca - a very prolific scholar whose work was loved by a wide audience - successfully removed deeply rooted mythologies and underestimations, leading to a reading of events, ideologies and long-term colonial mentality, which highlighted the links between the Liberal and the Fascist period, as well as the fallout and enduring nature of the colonial experience in Republican Italy. [Publisher's text]
Articoli dello stesso fascicolo (disponibili singolarmente)
Codice DOI: 10.3280/PASS2022-117003
ISSN: 1972-5493
- Africa coloniale italiana, Colonialismo e Decolonizzazione, Storici italiani
- Italian Colonial Africa, Colonialism and De-colonialisation, Italian Historians