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"'Aγιος βασιλεύς μάρχιο" : les multiples visages de Boniface de Montferrat pendant la fondation de l'Empire latin de Constantinople (1204-1207)

2022 - Leo S. Olschki

P. 437-476

  • This article investigates the political aspects of Marquis Boniface of Montferrat's (1150-1207) career in Latin Romania after the Fourth Crusade. The aim is first to reassess Venetians' influence in the imperial election lost by Boniface. Then, this study focuses on the struggle between Boniface and Baldwin I (Latin Emperor of Constantinople) around Thessalonica. Lastly, it examines the Marquis' political network where his wife, ex-Empress Margaret-Maria of Hungary, had a key role in order to cleverly conciliate both Latins and Greeks' interests. [Publisher's text]

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Archivio storico italiano : 673, 3, 2022